Porr-utpressarna stepp:ar upp game:et

Kommer ni ihåg de som skickade ut mail och hittade på att de hade filmer på folk när de porrsurfade? Bifogad var epost och användarnamn från andra läckor som inte hade något med porrsajter att göra? Det här mailet kom precis till info-mailen i en organisation jag är med :slight_smile:

Jag trodde ingen skulle gå på det andra men det visar sig att folk betalat in miljontals kronor för att inte säga miljarder jorden runt. Jag skrev om det här: https://teknikveckan.com/nyheter/nya-hot-om-att-hanga-ut-dig-som-porrsurfare-infor-familjer-och-vanner/

När folk får detta lär de få ännu mer panik.

När skall nätet lära sig?

" Case #48953172

Distribution and storage of pornographic electronic materials involving underage children.

My name is Kathy Leon and I am a technical collection officer working for Central Intelligence Agency.

It has come to my attention that your personal details including your email address (info@bortaget) are listed in case #48953172.

The following details are listed in the document’s attachment:

  • Your personal details,
  • Home address,
  • Work address,
  • List of relatives and their contact information.

Case #48953172 is part of a large international operation set to arrest more than 2000 individuals suspected of paedophilia in 27 countries.

The data which could be used to acquire your personal information:

  • Your ISP web browsing history,
  • DNS queries history and connection logs,
  • Deep web .onion browsing and/or connection sharing,
  • Online chat-room logs,
  • Social media activity log.

The first arrests are scheduled for April 8, 2019.

Why am I contacting you ?

I read the documentation and I know you are a wealthy person who may be concerned about reputation.

I am one of several people who have access to those documents and I have enough security clearance to amend and remove your details from this case. Here is my proposition.

Transfer exactly $10,000 USD (ten thousand dollars - about 2.5 BTC) through Bitcoin network to this special bitcoin address:


You can transfer funds with online bitcoin exchanges such as Coinbase, Bitstamp or Coinmama. The deadline is March 27, 2019 (I need few days to access and edit the files).

Upon confirming your transfer I will take care of all the files linked to you and you can rest assured no one will bother you.

Please do not contact me. I will contact you and confirm only when I see the valid transfer.


Kathy Leon

Technical Collection Officer

Directorate of Science and Technology

Central Intelligence Agency"

Haha jamen de finns folk för allt , vet man inte bättre så :man_shrugging:t2:

2 gillningar

Vadå, ska man inte svara på såna mail? eller ge dom uppgifterna? De står ju det… :wink:

2 gillningar